This past Thursday, my husband sent the following picture to my phone with no explanation while he was working:
Somehow, I already knew what that meant. I did leave some doubt in my mind that maybe one of his coworkers got a new cat and just brought it to work to show it off or something.
An hour or so later, he called me and gave me the details. His boss had found this friendly little tortie girl outside his house. He asked his neighbors if it belonged to anyone, and when it was a resounding no, he called my husband at work and asked if we could take her. Shortly after, he picked my husband up and brought him and the cat to our house. My husband told me she was thin, but I had no idea until I got home.
Her head is wider than the rest of her body. I can't say she is the thinnest cat I've ever seen - everyone has seen pictures of cats so starved ALL you see is bone. But she is the thinnest cat I've ever seen in person.Even the picture is misleading.
She ate so much when she first arrived that her tummy couldn't handle it; she threw up. Besides the wet food, the rest of the contents was inedible objects - rubber bands, rocks, paper, things like that. She was eating whatever she could find when she was outside. It broke my heart.
She is very friendly, though she doesn't like other cats. If I had to guess, she's somewhere between 6-12 months old. We already have money set aside for her vetting and spay when she gains some weight, she is too thin for surgery right now. We aren't sure what we're going to do with her since she's not with a rescue group, but she's safe now and that's all that matters.
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